Supported Accommodation projects
Our Supported Accommodation projects give homeless young people the personalised support they need to develop their independent living skills before moving into their own tenancy.

Our Projects
We have two supported accommodation sites across Sheffield. A twenty bed hostel in Totley on the edge of the Peak District, and an eight bedroomed house near the city centre. We provide support for young people who for whatever reason don’t have a safe space to stay.
The support we provide

As well as providing secure accommodation, at the projects, we also provide 1:1 personalised support, to help get young people ready to develop their independent living skills, and to help tackle their underlying cause of homelessness.
Our projects are both staff 24 hours a day by support workers and key workers who support clients to feel secure and confident at the projects. Young people can stay at the projects for up to a year before being offered access to the home and health service, when they move on to their own tenancy. Whilst living at the projects, they will also have support with accessing education, employment or training and take part in enrichment activities.
Young people that use the service, may have experienced past trauma, or may suffer from poor mental health. That’s why we ensure our work is informed by Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) and Trauma Informed Care, and that young people have access to counselling, 24/7 support and regular 1:1 key working sessions. Our staff are fully trained in PIE, and the support they provide, takes into account the psychological effects of trauma.
Our aim is for individuals to expand their skills set, and understand how to become active members in their community.